Muito Muito
rua rodrigues faria 103
In 2009, Luis created Muito Muito, known today as the heart of the Portuguese furniture gems. His headquarters are located in the famous LX factory where Muito Muito established its first show room open to public. Open 6 days a week, Muito Muito shop is the perfect stop and visit location for the true lovers of Portuguese antiques. Muito Muito team is at your disposal for any further query.

Born with a true gift to find the best Portuguese antiques, Luis Mangas a native of Lisbon was able to create in the last decade a name for him self within the home decorating industry. Keen of securing at an early age the great treasures of his country, Luis went on the hunt of securing and restoring Portuguese antiques.
Thanks to his extensive and unique network, Luis has partnered with famous home designers and has redecorated over 60 flats, mansions, restaurants and palaces for private owners all over the world.



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